Can my child handle more than one week? Summer can be a time to broaden children's horizons, help them learn something new, hone a specific skill or interest, get them "school ready," or keep/get them "on track" academically. It can also be a chance to let them unwind and discover things for themselves without the pressures of adult-orchestrated activities. Free Time is for Self-Discovery Researchers and psychologists including Boston College's Dr. Peter Gray (author of "Free to Learn," citing over a hundred research papers on the role of simple self-directed play and free time in the development of curiosity, creativity, empathy, and passion for learning) might argue it is better to provide a "boring" summer with minimal shifts in routine, and maximum time for learning through play. Young humans (and all mammals), he explains, learn through play - it's a large reason for the success of our evolutionary development. Bridging huma...
When it rains and we tell our kids to stay inside to build a fort in the living room, we forget about two important things kids need to develop as they grow up - resiliency and wonder. "Children aren’t born with a weather bias, but they can quickly pick up on adults’ negative attitudes toward rain, wind, cold and heat," says Sweedish-American author of There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather , Linda Akeson McGurk . Outdoor play in all kinds of weather does more than just help kids step up to the challenge of feeling a little uncomfortable. It helps them learn to see and feel the world in a ways that expand their curiosity and create bigger picture connections about their place in the world and how it works. The self-management and safety skills that come from learning to overcome a little discomfort are just the icing on the cake. Kids Really LIKE the Rain Kids naturally find rainy weather to be fun and exciting. The world is different...